Friday, September 28, 2012

Playing Catch-Up again! haha...;D (July '12-Present)

Hi everyone!
  Haha once again it looks like I am behind several months and need to play catch up! I really do think a lot about how I need to update my blog, but then I get distracted by other things, and ya, it doesn't get done. It also doesn't help that our wireless Internet hasn't been fully set up yet, so I have no way to use my computer at home. I either use it when down at my parents or when we are hanging out at my in-laws house. Haha, definitely doesn't give me much time to type out long blog updates. ;) But today I have quite a bit of time before my shift at work, so I can finally do my blog justice.
  I know I still owe pics from Disneyland, but that will have to wait til I have Internet at my house and access to my pictures now. The rest of July was pretty uneventful, with Nick and I just working 6 days a week, and hanging out with our friends when we could. Also, around about May, I started going to a Bootcamp work out class Mon and Wed with my mother-in-law Kathy and my sister-in-law Stacey, which has been a lot of fun. I do a lot better working out when I have someone else instructing me on what and how to do it. It has been great to get to spend more time with them as well and have something like this we can do together. : )
  On Aug. 2 my entire family, with Nick and I, went to see...WICKED!! It was so amazing! I absolutely love that musical and was so excited to see it again, plus I really wanted Nick to experience it and see what it was all about and why I loved the music so much. We went to dinner before hand, and all had a wonderful time. :D Aug. 11 was my friend Jess' birthday and we all went and spent the day at Lagoon. It was a blast to go and hang out there again like I did in junior high and high school. We had such a fun and silly time there together! On Aug. 18, I went with my mom and Nick to the Sandy Amphitheater to see an old high school friend in the production of Aida. He was the leading role of Radimas, the Egyptian Capt. who loves Aida. Not only is Aida one of my top favorite musicals, (so it was amazing to get to see) but it was also great to get to see Trent as one of the leads. He really did and amazing job, and it was fun to get to see him after and chat for a bit, since we haven't seen each other since graduation. Haha oh, towards the end of Aug., the bow hunt also started, so my dear sweet husband started ditching me each weekend to go hunting and try and get an elk or a deer. This has continued all through Sept, with no luck yet, though his brother Terry has gotten both an elk and a deer now. Poor Nick wants to get something so bad, but just hasn't yet. Its his first year doing the bow hunt though, so probably to be expected.
  Oh, and at the end of Aug., I also started going to a chiropractor who specializes in something called the Graston technique, which they use to help on a lot of injuries and things. Because they say they can work with and help take away migraines, I decided to give it a try. They work by breaking up potential scare tissue and things like that and helping re-regulate blood flow and natural inflammation healing. I would bruise like crazy at first, and then it slowly lessened over time, and it does seem to be be helping. I actually have headaches that go away on their own now and seem less sever. I am so glad for anything that will help. I am so sick of migraines... On Sept. 4 it was Nick's 25 birthday!! We did presents, and hung out, at my parent's house after work which was fun. We all went in together and got him everything he needed to be able to go to the temple. :) Plus, my parent's gave him money which was really nice of them. The rest of the month was pretty much just working, and my chiropractic visits. I did also go a cool What Women Want expo Sept 22 with Kathy and all my sis-in-laws. It was really interesting and had a TON to see. I got some super cute scarves! Lastly, Sept. 26 was my bro-in-law Chris' 22, then today was my sis-in-law Amber's 29 Also, we found out a month or so ago, that she is having a baby girl. :) Super exciting! So that's been our lives up til now! Haha hope you all enjoyed this freaking huge post! ;D TTFN!!

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