Friday, December 23, 2011

6 Months later: December

Last but not least, December!  Now, today is only Dec. 23, so it will be a catch up til then, and I will do a whole new blog to talk about the wonderful Christmas eve and day. This way I will be forced to blog more, and you get more interesting detailed things to read. lol. Hopefully with pictures as well. ;) Dec actually doesn't have to many big moment's either, just a few that are really awesome and stick out. For the most part it has simply been work, work, work. We haven't seen friends hardly at all this month. So sad... Work is taking over our lives...
  Alright so on Dec. 10 was the New Balance Christmas party. It was at the Sugarhouse location and we all got to bring a date, so Nick got to come and meet everyone, which was a lot of fun, plus it was fun for us to meet each other's spouses and significant other's if we hadn't yet before. We had soup from Zupas which was so amazing, and yummy bakery rolls, plus great hot chocolate and a ton of different things you could put into it.  We then played a silly 20 questions type game were you wore a headband on your head with a card on it you couldn't see, and you had to ask everyone question about it until you figured out what you were suppose to be. I got the Grinch and everyone thought that was hilarious! ;) It was a really funny game and we had a good time watching people try and figure out what they were. After that we did a white elephant type game. Nick and I started out with and awesome Jamba juice gift card and almost held onto it, but it got stolen toward the end and we ended up with a my little pony coloring and sticker set, which of course no one else wanted to steal from us. haha... Its ok though, we are going to give it to our 8 year old niece Kylie, who it will be prefect for. Suzy's (a manager at the Union park store) was the best though. After getting like 3 gift cards stolen from her, she ended up with a fuzzy red man thong! It was hilarious so see her open it! Everyone laughed so hard and for like 5 minutes! She was a great sport about it to. It was such a fun party and I'm so glad I got to go. Its been a fun new experience working at NB and you could see at the party the great camaraderie we all have there.
  On Dec 18 my cousin Dillon had his mission farewell. He has been called to Houston, Texas, Spanish speaking. He leaves for the MTC on Dec. 28, which was nice for his family because then he got one more Christmas at home before leaving for the next 2 years. We are all so proud of him, because it was a long road for him to get to this point, and I know because of that, it will help him be an even greater missionary. He gave an amazing talk on forgiveness and we were all so proud of him. :) After sacrament was over, we all went to his house for food and to just be together. It was really nice to hang out with family and friends and support Dillon. It turned out so well. Afterwards, around 5, Nick and I went and had dinner with my parents, which was nice, since my siblings stayed real late at Dillon's. I was glad we were there to hang out with them, so that they didn't eat alone. Plus, I had  really nice time hanging out and chatting with them for a few hours.
  Oh, also, at the beginning of Dec, Nick's really good friend Westley got engaged to his girlfriend Lindee. It was so exciting and we are so so happy for them! They are planning to get married in April and I can't wait! :D They are such a cute couple and are great together. Also, Nick and I had a blast getting to decorate the house for Christmas and we even had a tree. His mom gave us an old one of hers ( a fake white one that looks like it's been snowed on) to have and we have fun decorating it with some of my old ornaments plus a few other random Christmasy items we had. My dad called it a Charlie Brown tree, which I liked. It fits our tree well. I will make sure to take a picture and post it so everyone can see. It turned out really cute, which I must give nick credit for, for it was his idea to start throwing random stuff on, not mine. lol.
  Hope you all enjoyed this post, and I promise, I will blog again soon! Haha I will not let another 6 month lap again!

6 Months later: November

Alright, so I decided to make November and December separate blogs, because i saw how huge the other two looks, plus i remember more in Dec since its the most recent. So decided two would be better. Haha it would look less daunting.  November is quite the exciting month because Nick and I's anniversary is in it, as well as my awesome birthday. lol.  Nov. 10 was our 1 year anniversary! I cannot believe that one year has gone by already! It went by so quickly! After work we went to dinner at Goodwood to celebrate at I gave Nick his gift. He couldn't give me mine yet because the place he got it from messed up the order so it was delayed. I got him 3 videos that are some of his top favorites: Hercules, The fox and the hound, and Prince of Egypt. I was so excited to give them to him and he loved them. :) Mine turned out to be a quilt you can have made at Walmart using pictures from vacations and stuff. It is so cool!
  On Nov. 11 we got to go to a friend's wedding reception (Jenny and Adam) who got married 11-11-11, which was pretty cool. It was a really nice reception and fun to see them and other friends we knew there. Then on Nov. 12 Nick and I got to go to the U of U vs. UCLA game, with my grandpa and aunt Chrissy. It was such a blast! We got to use my parent's box seats, so we had a nice meal before the game started and hot chocolate and pop corn and such, to eat during the game. It was definitely cold, but it was so much fun! :D Earlier that day I also got to hang out with my friend Jess at her daughter's party. She was turning 3 on the 14th. Holy Cow, its so weird she is that big already! It was quite a full and fun fill weekend that week. lol.
  On Nov. 20 we had an early Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandpa Petersen's, which was fun, because we then got to see that side of the family this year for Thanksgiving.  It was a really nice dinner and it was really nice seeing my Grandparent's, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. Nick had a real good time talking to my uncle Pete and cousin Tat's husband Jeff about hunting. Haha I thought he'd never come join me at the table to eat. ;)  Nov. 24 was of course Thanksgiving day itself. Nick and I spent most of the day with his family this year. It started at 1 so we showed up around 11 to help get everything ready. We were in charge of bringing the soda and ice cream for the fancy drink. It was a really nice get together and we stayed til around 4.30, when we found out my family's Thanksgiving at my Aunt Chrissy's had pretty much just started with the main food, so we decided to go down and say hi for a bit. We got there around 5ish and stayed for a few hours. It was fun getting to see her new house. You see, my aunt chrissy and her family just moved back to Utah from Arizona after like 15 years. We had a really nice time and I was glad we were able to do both. It worked out perfectly.
  Nov. 29 was my 24th birthday. I had to work unfortunately, so for most of the day it wasn't to exciting, but when i got home from work around 8.30, I found Nick had a very fancy dinner waiting for me. It was so sweet! He had even bought little individual packets of dip-in-dots so that we had dessert. It was so cute! I have such a sweet thoughtful hubby! :) After we ate he gave me present and was so excited for me to open it. lol. Turned out he had bought me...a NOOK!! I was so surprised! I had no idea he was planning that at all, plus i had always joked i would only ever love real books, so i never thought I'd get an e-reader. He got me the newest one too. the Nook Tablet, with all the bells and whistles. And, after having it a month now, I can say, it has won me over. Haha don't tell real books i said that! ;D I still like the feeling of holding a real book in my hand, but being able to carry multiple books with me and go online at the same time, all while having it fit nicely in my purse, is really really nice. I am definitely glad i have one now. lol. I can still even rent books from the library on it. So cool! I have definitely been converted. haha...
 So that is the exciting month of November! I hope you enjoyed reading it and I will try to do December asap as well as get pictures up in each blog as well that goes with some of the stories, so there is something to look at besides all these words you have to read. lol. Ttfn! (Ta Ta For Now!)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6 months later: September and October

Alright everyone, lets dive right in shall we? lol. On Sept. 4 it was Nick's 24th birthday. I got him some awesome minimus shoes (barefoot running shoes for those of you who don't know what they are. Like the 5 fingered toe shoes you probably see some people wearing, but with your toes enclosed together) as his gift. They sell them at NB, and since i work there, plus am family, I was able to get a discount, which was awesome. I was so excited for him to have them. :) We ended up spending his weekend camping up with his brother Terry and his wife and kids, watching as Terry tried to bow hunt an elk, which is very difficult. It was a fun weekend and Stacey even brought up a cake for Nick's birthday, which was so sweet of her and really yummy! ; ) On Sept 10, Nick ran the Suncrest half marathon with my brother Chris,with really no training at all. He finished 20th out of about 400, which was pretty amazing for having no training. My brother i think was somewhat higher, but he hikes and works out religiously, so, he was a bit more prepared. lol. I was very proud of them both for doing something like that.
  On Sept. 17 my best friend Sadie's older sister Ashley got married. It was such a beautiful reception center that I had actually never heard of before. I went with my mom, which was a ton of fun. She did a lace wedding gown and it was so gorgeous! I am so so happy for her. She deserves to be happy and I really think her husband makes her so. :) On Sept. 24 Nick and I did the Dirty Dash race with his sister Tiff, her husband Stephan, and some of her friends from school. It was such a blast!! It was definitely a bit cold at the start, but I had so much fun getting covered in mud. I really hope I can do that again next year with a group of my friends. It would be so much fun and I think they would all love it! It was a good month and I had a lot of fun with friends as well, going to movies, dinner, and just hanging out at people's houses. Sometimes we didn't get together as often as we'd like, but we tried to.
  On to October! lol, aren't these 6 months just flying by? ;D Seriously though, they really did seem too... Ok so on Oct. 2, Nick and I finally got to go see one of Alli's volleyball games. Haha and of course, it ended up being one where she played for like 10 min at the start and then got pulled and she didn't play again for the rest of the match. It was ok though, cause it was still fun to see her play for a bit, as well as just simply support the team and cheer. At the start of Oct. we finally moved into the house we had bought last July and been renting out for the last year while we lived with his parents. Our renters had got a new job down in the Sandy area in the summer, and so they wanted to move closer to the new job. It is so nice finally being in our own place. Its not that it was bad living with Nick's parents, but we haven't lived alone since we got married, so its nice to finally have some space that is our very own as still newly weds.
  Its been fun to decorate the house, though right before we moved in, the fridge broke. So when we started living in the house, we had to use a mini fridge until we could order a new one, which took us like a month and a half. We finally got our new fridge (Yay!!) after Thanksgiving. Its been so great! lol. Oct 7 and 8th and 14 and 15 (fridays and saturdays) I went hunting with Nick. (Haha I know shocking right?) He had put in my name with his to see if i would pull out a hunting tag and I actually did. Haha I am not a huge camping person, especially when its cold, but I gave it a try for him. We got tags in an area he wasn't familiar with, so that made it harder. We saw some deer a few times and heard some elk, but never got anything. It was a very popular area and hugely crowded, so made it hard to find the proper area needed to wait for game. Lol I may just leave it to Nick and the boys next year. ;) On Halloween day Nick went duck hunting with my dad, and they both had a blast. I hung out with my mom and we went and saw a movie together. It was a fun Halloween. My mom also gave us extra Halloween decorations that she didn't need anymore so that we were able to decorate the house, which was fun. :) I really enjoy having a house that i can decorate for the holidays. Hope you all enjoyed Sept and Oct. Stay tuned for November and December! :)

6 month later! July and August. ;D

Hello everyone on blog world! I have been a giant blogging slacker and now suddenly realize that it has been 6 months since i last posted anything. This was brought to my attention by my cousin Tat who i never get to see enough, and who is much better at being faithful to her blog then i am. lol. I dedicate this first blog update to her. ; D haha....
   Ok, so since I am 6 months behind, I am going to update you all 2 months at a time, so it isn't one giant update blog you have to read. I last posted in June, so I am now going to update you on July and August. At the very start of july, Nick and i went to Jackson Hole from June 29 - July 3, with our friends Wes, his now fiancee Lindee, Ben, and his wife Amber joining us July 1. It was a great trip, and we had a blast going on long bike rides, relaxing, and enjoying summer up in Teton Village. When we got back, Nick got to help his friend Tyson launch huge fireworks for a 4th of July show, which he had a blast doing. July 7 I started my new job at my uncle's New Balance Shoe store in Sugerhouse, (though i was hired for the new store that would be in Midvale on Union Park Ave) where I work part-time Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, while still working at my dad's orthodontic office as a chairside assistant Mondays, Wenesdays, and Thursdays. Its a little hard on my social life working 6 days a week now, but I am making much better money, which is good since (spoiler for Oct month, lol, Nick and I moved into our own house). It was definitely a little scary learning all the foot and shoe information you need to know for New Balance, but I was doing fairly well after about a month. Plus, for the first 2 weeks they didn't make me help anyone on my own. What i did was shadow another girl named Avery and listen to her, and watch how she interacted with the customers and rang them up and everything, while making sure to continue to study all the shoe info and foot aliments at home.
  Since NB is designed for people with medical foot problems and lots of podiatrists send them to us, its amazing what we are expected to know, plus all the computer stuff as well. Luckly, now in Dec, after 5 months, the only thing i really still forget is gift cards, because I've only ever done a few. lol. So that's pretty much all for July. Once I got that job, all Nick and I did was work, hang out with friends after work occasionally, or simply head home and relax together watching a movie or TV. Haha so thrilling I know. But suddenly working full time took getting use to for my body, so I was extra tired a lot and just really liked relaxing at home with my hubby. :)
   Now, on to August! August 2, Nick's brother Chris had to come home from his mission early because of medical issues. While this was sad for him and the family, it was fun to get to have him home in time for his sister's wedding. On monday, August 8, Tiffany, his sister, got married to Stephan Latkiewicz, and they are so great together. :) It was a beautiful ceremony and we got tons of amazing pictures. The wedding and reception were held at Millennial Falls, and it was so beautiful! We are all so happy for them. August16 I started working at the Midvale New Balance, helping to set up the store by tagging and hanging clothes, placing displays, placing shoes on the wall in the women's and men's sections, and stocking shoes in back to be ready for the grand opening. On Friday and Saturday August 26 and 27, the new Union Park New Balance had it's Grand opening and it went so amazingly well. It far exceeded expectations, which was so great. Also on Aug. 26, my little sis Alli, who is 18 and has signed with the University of Utah to play on their volleyball team, had her very first game that night. I couldn't go because of work, but, i heard she did amazing. :) She ended up starting for most of the season even though she is just a freshmen, which is a huge deal. I am so very proud of her! :D
   After the amazing grand opening for NB fri and sat, a horrible thing happened that Sunday. Around 2 am, some people (probably after shoes, which are worth a lot) broke into the new NB store. Because we were so new, the motion sensor part of the alarm and the cameras were not set up yet, just the door alarm. Since they smashed the door glass with a rock and climbed through the hole, no alarm went off. Luckily, the shoes and inventory are kept in a back room that has separate locked door, so they couldn't get that, but they did steal the 2 laptops that we run our foot scanner machines with as well as 2000 dollars worth of clothing. It was awful! Right after the grand opening to have that happen.... Insurance covered it, but it was still a bit of a blow. They have not been caught yet, and we can only hope that Karma will catch up with them someday.
  So there ya go, that is all the big things that really happened in August. The rest was pretty much the same as July: work, hang with friends doing different awesome summer activities, and then hanging out at home relaxing.
