Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Life in June :)

Hi everyone!
Haha sorry that i haven't blogged in a bit again. I just forget and get busy. Haha.... I even have pictures of trips i would love to put up bt they haven't even been uploaded to the computer yet. lol. So when i last blogged i was quite sick, and now, over 3 weeks later, i am finally pretty much over it. I still have a slight cough thats holding on and my voice isn't 100% back yet (can't sing with the radio, lol) but other then that im pretty much good again. I sadly wasn't to much better down in Vegas like i had hoped, and I even lost my voice completely while there. I still had a good time with my friends and Jess' wedding went wonderfuly, but i wore-out quickly.  After Vegas i pretty much just worked, which was hard while sick but the extra money I made covering for Brett and Alyssa while they went out of town was really great. Its weird, now that we are into June, how cold it still is. It feels like late April or early May, its so weird. I am so ready for summer! Nick and I went for an awesome hike on sunday though when we actually had an 80 degree day and it was so great! We hiked all the way to the waterfall at Bells canyon and though it kicked my butt, I am proud of myself for making it all the way there, which i have never done before. I loved getting to spend time in the outdoors with my dear husband as well. It was really nice. : )  Makes me excited for all the other summer stuff we can do once the warm actually stays. Haha... Oh on June 2 Alli graduated from Olympus High school. It was a really nice greduation. I can't believe my baby sister is now going to be in college and my little baby bro matthew has graduated from 9th grade and will be a sophmore in high school. It makes me feel so old. lol. Though being married I guess I am. hahaha....;D Nick, me, my dad, and Chris also got to go to Les Mis the evening of June 2 and it was amazing! I am so glad I got to share it with Nick finally after making him listen to the music all the time. I loved it!! Someday in like 100 years i will maybe finally get pictures up as well. So ya, thats really all the updateing I have right now. bubye! :)

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